[Delphi] Wild Card 문자비교
2010. 3. 23. 12:33
문자열에서 Wild Card('?': single character, '*': multi character)를 포함하여 비교한다.
function MatchString(ASource, APattern: String): Boolean; function _MatchPattern(element, pattern: PChar): Boolean; begin if 0 = StrComp(pattern, '*') then Result := True else if (element^ = Chr(0)) and (pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then Result := False else if element^ = Chr(0) then Result := True else begin case pattern^ of '*': if _MatchPattern(element, @pattern[1]) then Result := True else Result := _MatchPattern(@element[1],pattern); '?': Result := _MatchPattern(@element[1],@pattern[1]); else if element^ = pattern^ then Result := _MatchPattern(@element[1],@pattern[1]) else Result := False; end; end; end; var pSource, pPattern: PChar; begin pSource := StrAlloc(Length(ASource)+1); pPattern := StrAlloc(Length(APattern)+1); try StrPCopy(pSource, ASource); StrPCopy(pPattern, APattern); Result := _MatchPattern(pSource, pPattern); finally StrDispose(pSource); StrDispose(pPattern); end; end;출처 : 인터넷 어딘가...:-)
// sample var source: string; target: string; begin source := 'abcdefg'; target := 'ab*e?g'; // correct('cd' = '*', 'f' = '?') if MatchString(source, target) then ShowMessage('Correct match') else ShowMessage('Incorrect match') ; end;